An independent risk factor for infection, hospitalizations, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, chronic kidney disease (CKD) has pervasive and permanent implications on patients’ identities, employment, relationships, and lifestyles.

10% of the world’s population is affected by CKD, and millions die each year because they do not have access to affordable treatment.

Relatively little is known about the optimal way to coordinate, finance and regulate the care for people with CKD from diagnosis, care and access to renal replacement therapies. This is especially the case in low-and-middle income countries where inequalities exist.

Through different projects, ISN Closing the Gaps sets out to define the global needs, the current state and a ’blueprint’ for moving forward with more equal CKD care through ISN research, education and advocacy activities.

It is a complementary strategy to the ISN 0by25 initiative, which aims to eliminate preventable deaths from acute kidney injury (AKI) worldwide by 2025.

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